Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spring Migration!

I really do love spring migration. I went to two birding hotspots today. We started the morning at Jamaica Bay. My favorite bird ever is the magnolia warbler. yet for some reason I have never seen one. When its left im right. When the magnolia is the south garden at Jamaica Bay im in the north. Well today i hit it perfectly. A quick 5 second glimpse made me happy. There were birds everywhere today. We also stopped at forest park where i got a lifer canada warbler..AWESOME!! Here are some pictures but not all at once.

above is btg warbler

above is b&w warbler

above and below chesnut sided warbler at forest park waterhole


  1. Patience on the mag - it'll show one day and you'll gasp. I missed it yesterday where it should have been, but fortunately I know where they nest in my woods and mountains, so I'll get it. Nice photos

  2. It is all about patience. I have the best success when I pick a good spot and settle in and wait. I find that the quieter and stiller I am, the better the birding goes.

  3. How exciting! this is a great time of year for sure!

  4. What an expression on shot #2. Don't you wonder what that bird is thinking?
    Beautiufl photos, Birdboy!!
